GPT-4 Turbo: OpenAi announced GPT-4 Turbo faster and cheaper

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OpenAI's Developer Day was a significant event for the AI community, as it unveiled a series of updates and new features that promise to enhance the capabilities of developers and businesses using their AI models. Here's a comprehensive look at the key announcements made during the event.

GPT-4 Turbo

One of the most exciting announcements was the launch of GPT-4 Turbo, an iteration of the already powerful GPT-4 model. The original GPT-4 could handle up to 8K tokens, and in some cases, up to 32K tokens of context length. However, GPT-4 Turbo takes this further by supporting up to 128,000 tokens of context, allowing for more extensive and complex interactions. This is a game-changer for developers who require deeper context for applications such as detailed document analysis, extended conversations, and comprehensive content generation.

Updated Knowledge Cutoff

Another significant update is the extension of the knowledge cutoff. Previously, GPT-4's knowledge of the world was limited to information up until 2021, which was a point of contention for many users. OpenAI has addressed this by updating GPT-4 Turbo's knowledge to include information up to April 2023. This ensures that the model's responses are more relevant and up-to-date. OpenAI has committed to keeping the knowledge base current, which is crucial for maintaining the model's relevance in a rapidly changing world.

Text-to-Speech Model

OpenAI also introduced a new text-to-speech model that can generate incredibly natural-sounding audio from text through the API. This model comes with six preset voices, providing developers with the ability to create more immersive and engaging auditory experiences for users. This could revolutionize applications such as audiobooks, voice assistants, and interactive storytelling.

Custom Models

The event also saw the launch of a new program called Custom Models. This initiative allows OpenAI researchers to work closely with companies to develop custom AI models tailored to specific use cases. This bespoke approach ensures that businesses can leverage AI technology that is finely tuned to their unique requirements, potentially leading to more efficient and effective solutions.

Doubling Tokens and Rate Limit

In a move to empower developers further, OpenAI announced that it would double the tokens per minute for all established GPT-4 customers. This enhancement enables more robust interactions and quicker responses, facilitating smoother user experiences. Additionally, developers can now request changes to further rate limits and quotas directly in their API account settings, offering greater flexibility and control over their applications.

Copyright Shield

Addressing legal concerns, OpenAI introduced Copyright Shield, a feature designed to protect customers from legal claims related to copyright infringement. This applies to both ChatGPT Enterprise and the API, providing a layer of security and peace of mind for businesses that create content using OpenAI's models.

GPT Store

Lastly, OpenAI announced plans to launch the GPT Store, a marketplace where developers can publish and share customized versions of ChatGPT, known as AGPTs. These tailored models can be built for almost any purpose, with specific instructions, expanded knowledge, and actions. The GPT Store will feature the best and most popular AGPTs, ensuring that they adhere to OpenAI's policies before being made accessible to the public.

In conclusion, OpenAI's Developer Day was a landmark event that showcased the company's commitment to innovation and support for the developer community. The announcements made promise to expand the horizons of what's possible with AI, offering more powerful tools, updated knowledge, and greater customization to meet the diverse needs of users and businesses alike. As these new features roll out, we can expect to see a wave of creative and impactful applications that harness the full potential of AI technology. 


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